Fermented double extraction complete nutrition dog food
Fermented double extraction complete nutrition dog food
Fermented double extraction complete nutrition dog food
Fermented double extraction complete nutrition dog food
  • Fermented double extraction complete nutrition dog food
  • Fermented double extraction complete nutrition dog food
  • Fermented double extraction complete nutrition dog food
  • Fermented double extraction complete nutrition dog food

Fresh fruits and vegetables double fermentation, multiple intestinal protection ingredients

Fermented double extraction complete nutrition dog food

Fresh fruits and vegetables double fermentation multiple intestinal protection ingredients, ≥90% digestibility, easy to absorb. Compound dietary fiber, ideal for stool. Triple intestinal protective factors, double care.



Applicable stage:

Applicable to all ages


  • 产品描述
  • Fermented double extraction intestinal protection complete nutrition dog food

    Chicken formula

    Specification:1.5kg/6.8kg Dog breed: whole dog breed
    Shelf life: 18 months Applicable stage:  Applicable to all ages

    Raw material composition

    Meat and its products (frozen chicken 20%, chicken powder 15%, chicken hydrolyzed powder 10%, chicken liver hydrolyzed powder 5%, chicken oil, frozen chicken liver 5%, frozen chicken bone (provides 2% tendon)), potato chips, peas, yam powder (3%), brewer's yeast powder, beet pulp granules, broccoli powder (1%), fermented fruit and vegetable residue (0.2%) *, Yucca powder, turmeric (0.1) %)
    * Fermented fruit and vegetable residue is pineapple juice, kiwi juice, cucumber juice, celery juice, carrot juice, lemon juice, hawthorn, ginger by pure fermentation of complex lactic acid bacteria.

    Additive composition

    Calcium hydrogen phosphate, fruit oligosaccharides (0.2%), mannooligosaccharides (0.2%), sodium chloride, potassium chloride, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, DL-alpha-tocopherol, niacinamide, zinc sulfate, D-calcium pantothenate, calcium propionate, ferrous sulfate, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, folic acid, vitamin B1, potassium iodide, sodium selenite, calcium carbonate, vitamin D Biob12, L-lysine hydrochloride, choline chloride, rosemary extract

    Guaranteed value of product composition (in terms of dry matter)

    • Crude protein ≥ 30%
    • Crude fat ≥ 17%
    • Crude ash ≤ 9%
    • Crude fiber ≤ 6%
    • Calcium ≥ 1.2%
    • Total phosphorus ≥ 1.0%
    • Water-soluble chloride (Cl-) ≥ 0.45%
    • Moisture ≤ 9%
    • Lysine ≥ 0.90%

    Fermented double extraction intestinal protection complete nutrition dog food

    Duck formula

    Specification:1.5kg/6.8kg Dog breed: whole dog breed
    Shelf life: 18 months Applicable stage:  Applicable to all ages

    Raw material composition

    Meat and its products (frozen duck 20%, chicken meal 15%, duck hydrolyzed meal 10%, chicken liver hydrolyzed meal 5%, chicken oil, frozen chicken liver 5%, frozen chicken bone (providing 2% tendon)), potato chips, peas, pumpkin powder (3%), brewer's yeast powder, beet pulp granules, hawthorn powder (1%), fermented fruit and vegetable residue (0.2%) *, Yucca powder, turmeric (0.1%) )
    * Fermented fruit and vegetable residue is pineapple juice, kiwi juice, cucumber juice, celery juice, carrot juice, lemon juice, hawthorn, ginger by pure fermentation of complex lactic acid bacteria.

    Additive composition

    Calcium hydrogen phosphate, fruit oligosaccharides (0.2%), mannooligosaccharides (0.2%), sodium chloride, potassium chloride, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, DL-alpha-tocopherol, niacinamide, zinc sulfate, D-calcium pantothenate, calcium propionate, ferrous sulfate, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, folic acid, vitamin B1, potassium iodide, sodium selenite, calcium carbonate, vitamin D Biob12, L-lysine hydrochloride, choline chloride, rosemary extract

    Guaranteed value of product composition (in terms of dry matter)

    • Crude protein ≥ 30%
    • Crude fat ≥ 17%
    • Crude ash ≤ 9%
    • Crude fiber ≤ 6%
    • Calcium ≥1.2%
    • Total phosphorus ≥1.0%
    • Water-soluble chloride (Cl-) ≥ 0.45%
    • Moisture ≤ 9%
    • Lysine ≥ 0.90%
Little Red Book